Redeeming Work

Bridging the gap between faith and work.

Your Work Matters

You spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (or more!) there. It's what you talk about at parties. It's how you introduce yourself. It's where you met a lot of your friends. It might even be the reason you live where you live. Our jobs often dictate the circumstances and rhythms of our lives. So why does Monday morning feel so far from Sunday morning? For many Christians, there is a significant gap between work and faith. The two simply feel unrelated.

This 6-session group study helps bridge that gap. "Redeeming Work" provides several tools to help you and your group along the way. More than just a once-a-week meeting, we’ve provided ways to reflect daily on how faith and work connect. Each session includes powerful video sessions hosted by three members of the 'Christianity Today' editorial team—Andy Crouch, Katelyn Beaty, and Skye Jethani. There are guided conversations, interviews, and documentaries to show real-life examples of Christians engaging their calling and pressing into how God can use their unique skills, experiences, and gifting. Interviews with Timothy Keller, Chris Brooks, Amy Sherman, James K.A. Smith, Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Kate Harris, and Corey Widmer are included.

Downloadable Study Guides

  • Leader's Guide
  • Participant's Guide
  • Pastor's Guide

Plus, each session includes 5 daily exercises for group members to engage throughout the week. They'll be guided to read, study, watch, pray, and act.

Also included is a Pastor's Guide, which provides articles and videos to help pastors better understand the connection between work and faith, and how to better speak about work from the pulpit.

What to Expect

Redeeming Work is built around six powerful, video-driven small-group sessions designed to build relationships and spur thoughtful dialogue.

Study Session 1

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Why did God give us work to do? Rediscover the created goodness of work.

Study Session 2

But I Hate My Job

As kids we may dream of exciting careers. As adults, we more often lament the beginning of the workweek. Confront the reality of work in a broken world.

Study Session 3

Redeeming Work

When Christians succeed in the marketplace, everyone prospers as a result. Understand the role work plays in God's larger story of redemption.

Study Session 4

Calling or Career?

What if I don't feel "called" to my job? Expand our view of calling beyond occupation to vocation.

Study Session 5

The Powers That Be

Every workplace distributes and limits power. God can use us both when we are "powerful" and when we feel powerless.

Study Session 6

The God We Serve

Too often we reduce our identity to our work. But our identity is in Christ, and the meaning of our work flows from that relationship.

Pastor's Guide 1


Why is it important for the church to talk about work?

Pastor's Guide 2


What can we learn about "the good life" from Genesis?

Pastor's Guide 3


How does a theology of vocation change the role of pastoral leadership?

Pastor's Guide 4


How do we create a church culture that affirms work?

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