Round Trip
A Short-Term Mission Documentary and Curriculum
As you prepare your team to serve Christ in another part of the world, Round Trip joins you in the process, walking you through the major stages of preparation and planning. Leading any short-term missions trip requires a lot of work. Leading an excellent one requires something more. Round Trip provides the guided reflection and expert advice that make the difference.
The Documentary
Follow two teams, one from the United States and one from Kenya, as they visit one another's countries and experience the joys and challenges of a short trip across borders and boundaries.
The Curriculum
Five sessions will help your team prepare for your trip, navigate challenges of cross-cultural relationships and team dynamics, and return with lasting relationships and lasting personal transformation.
Watch the Trailer
Course Sessions
Short-Term Missions, Lasting Change
The Preparations
Cross-Cultural Encounters
Uprooted Emotions, Grounded Faith
Living With a Broader Perspective
Individuals who are considering a short-term mission trip, churches who are sending short-term teams, and the teams themselves as they prepare to go—anyone who wants to do short-term missions with excellence, integrity, and real partnership with the church around the world.